Thursday, January 14, 2010

Tablet Take One

So here are some pictures I've done on my new graphic tablet! I still need a lot of practice and to take a class to learn some new techniques, and of course PRACTICE some more but this is what i have so far. Enjoy!

This one is called snow angel. I liked the idea of having a "snow angel" actually be an angel! I did this around new years and I was really missing snow.

This is my ballerina doll I drew for the book my mom is writing. She has two other versions, a cheerleader and a baseball player. I'll get around to coloring those soon. I think I need to push the darks a little on this one and the hair still bugs me, but other than that I'm happy with it!

This is a work in progress, called "He Loves Me." It makes me think of that part in Beauty and the Beast when she's singing in the field with the daffodils flying around her. I love that movie! Her face and body is done, I just need to fix the dress and obviously the field/background.


Marissa said...

Madi they are awesome!

Heidi Lynn said...

You are amazing! I love all of them!

The Brown Family said...

They are amazing, I love the ballerina!