Thursday, June 26, 2008

Kitten and Pup

Well in order to keep Madi occupied while I am gone at work, we decided to get her something to play with. It started out with a kitten which we adopted from a shelter. Her name is Sphynx. She has tons of energy and loves to play and cuddle. A few weeks later I figured that we should get another kitten for our cat to play with. While Madi was on a search for a new kitten she sent me a pix message and it was a picture of a really cool lookin chihuahua. She intended this as a joke but thats not how it turned out in the long run. We found a lady trying to get rid of her new born pups and we purchased a chihuahua. She is the coolest little thing. Her name is Jitters because she shakes a ton, which is typical in the chihuahua breed.


The Robisons said...

CUTE BABIES!!! I'm glad you guys started the blog...Madi, seriously just sit down one day and browes through other peoples blogs and you will get some really cute ideas! Go to cutest blog on the block and you can find some really cute backgrounds, etc.! Tell us everything that is goin on...the car drama, pictures of the car, accomplishments, recipes, friends...anything! Look forward to hearing from you guys some more!

Heidi Lynn said...

Wow! Either you have a ginormous cat or that dog it teeny! How fun! I'm glad you have something to keep you company, being home alone all day is no fun. :(